Sunday, June 5, 2016

Nahaqi's Secret Finally Cracked

A bright shine of light came out as Naqi turned into the creature known as the Nahaqi.

“Run!” Shouted Asim as he ran with all his might.

“Sssssssss…..” Hissed Nahaqi as it begin chasing us.

We began running with all our might, trying to escape from Nahaqi. We all ran. Unfortunately, we reached a dead end and went face-to-face with the Nahaqi. Again, it hissed ferociously.

“Naqi! Snap out of it!” Shouted Asim.

“Naqi! I know you’re in there!” Said Amira.

“Ssssssssssss…..” Hissed Nahaqi.

“Somewhere!” Continued Amira.

Nahaqi took its eyes off Amira and Asim and set its eyes on me and Syaima’. Now, Syaima’ was trembling in fear while I was just shaking like a crazy person.

I looked at Asim and he gave me hand signs. And straight away I knew what it meant. It meant…

“Syaima’, remember, don’t move a muscle.” I whispered to Syaima’.

“I….. I’ll t…. tr… try.” Syaima’ whispered back.

We both tried with all our might not to move. Just then, Nahaqi brought its head down to our head level. ‘Not this again!’ I said to myself.

It went right in front of my head and hissed loudly. I just closed my eyes not wanting to see its hideous face. Once it was ‘satisfied’ hissing at me, it went to Syaima’.

‘I hope that she doesn’t move or scream like last time!’ I said to myself.

“We are doomed.” I heard Asim said.

“Ssssssssss………” It hissed.

Syaima’ this time was surprisingly quiet. She looked into Nahaqi’s eyes like it was nothing. Like it was just a toy! A few minutes passed by and Nahaqi lifted its head and stayed back. A few minutes later, a bright shine of light came out and Nahaqi turned back into Naqi.

In a flash, Asim took Naqi by arm and said, “We have to get Naqi to the lab… fast.”

“I drive.” Said Amira with a sly smile.

As soon as we all got in the jeep, Amira started driving like mad.

“I’m getting sick…” Syaima’ said sarcastically. I then elbowed her playfully.

When we got to the palace, Asim dragged Naqi out of the jeep and into the lab. One the way there, we all came upon Queen Aleesya. “What in the world are you all doing to Naqi?”

“No time to explain my majesty.” Said Asim without looking at her.

“We’ll explain later.” Syaima’ said.

From a far I could see the look on her face. And it was a face that I never thought I’d see on her; confusion

As soon as we got in the lab, Asim put Naqi in a tube, put a bottle like figure in the bottle slot and activated the tube.

“Did you two know all of this from the start or did you all just know this?” I asked while looking at the tube.

“I know nothing about this whole thing.” Said Asim as he stared into space.

“Amira?” Syaima’ asked.

“Naqi told me that he wasn’t sure if it was him.” Amira confessed. “He said that sometimes when he talks and he pronounces the letter ‘s’, he would be hissing unexpectedly.” Amira continued.

“Then why would he even set up the cameras when he knew that it was him?” I asked.

“Like I said, he wasn’t sure. He thought that it was just a habit that he kept on hissing and thought that Nahaqi was just another creature waiting to be discovered.” Amira explained.

“Asim, you’re his brother. Shouldn’t you know more than Amira does?” Syaima’ said.

“I know, I know. Since the day that I became the head of the knights, I seldom met my family.” Said Asim.

The door to the tube suddenly opened and out came Naqi. “So it was me all along.” He said.

“All this time, thinking that the Nahaqi was out there somewhere, who knew that Nahaqi could actually be me?” Said Naqi.

“Um… Naqi, Nahaqi not so hard to figure out by the way.” Syaima’ said. I elbowed her.

“How did you even become Nahaqi?” I asked.

“Well…” Naqi started.

To be continued in: Naqi’s Story.

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