Saturday, August 29, 2015

Cinema incident

Once upon a time, in a school, there were 10 students in a primary five class. 6 girls and 4 boys. 

Names of girls: Nuha, Ameera, Aleeya, Haziqah, Farhannah and Safwa.

Names of boys: Afham, Anwar, Yusof and Azim.

The eldest in the girls group was Nuha while the eldest in the boys group was Afham. Some of the girls had enemies which were in the boys group. Same goes to the boys.

Like, Yusof’s enemy is Ameera while Nuha’s enemy is Azim. Yusof and Ameera were good friends until Ameera, told Yusof’s biggest secret. As for Nuha and Azim, they weren’t actually good friends but, they were getting to know each other. The reason why they became enemies was because, they had a huge fight.

One day, on a weekend, Nuha had invited her group to go out for a movie. They were going to watch pixels. They all agreed. But, they didn’t know that, Afham had also invited his group to watch pixels at the same cinema. They all agreed too.

The girls got ready. Nuha and Ameera wore their favourite jacket. Same goes to Azim and Yusof.

At the cinema, the boys and the girls arrived at the same time. Nuha told Safwa to go buy snacks while Afham, told Anwar to buy the snacks. At the snack stand, Safwa saw Anwar same goes to Anwar. “What are you doing here?” Asked the both of them to each other at the same time. “My girls and I are going to watch pixels.” Said Safwa. “Well guess what missy, me and my boys are going to watch pixels too.” Said Anwar. Safwa took her snacks and walked away. Before that, she said to Anwar “See you at the movie.” And with that, she winked at Anwar and walked away. As soon as Safwa reached the girls, she gave them their snacks. “Here you go. Nuha your mountain dew, Ameera your popcorn and ice lemon tea, Haziqah your hundred plus, Aleeya your pepsi and Farhannah, plain water.” Said Safwa. “Dude, just plain water?” Asked Nuha to Farhannah. “What? I’m going on a healthy diet okay?” Said Farhannah. “Okay whatever. Lets go!” Said Haziqah. While Nuha was walking, somebody bumped into her and made her mountain dew drink, spill all over her jacket. Nuha couldn’t see who it was because the person was wearing a hood. “Excuse me but, don’t you want to say sorry?” Asked Nuha nicely. That somebody turned around and said “It wasn’t my fault that your drink spilled!” Nuha got furious and ran to that somebody. She grabbed that person by the hood and said “I was expecting an apology.” And with that, she took of that person’s hood. It was Azim. “Nuha?” Said Azim. “Azim?” Said Nuha. “What are you doing here?” Nuha asked in a furious voice. “My boys and I are going to watch pixels. You, what’re you doing here?” Asked Azim in an annoyed. “Well big head, my girls and I are also going to watch pixels.” “Ugh!” Said Nuha and Azim at the same time. “Nuha hurry!” Shouted Haziqah. “Azim hurry!” Shouted Yusof. “This is not over.” Said Nuha while she took Azim’s drink from his hand and purposely spilled it on Azim’s jacket and walked away. “What?” Said Azim. “Muahaha!!” Laughed Nuha. “I’m a bad girl.” Said Nuha while smiling.

In the cinema…
“Okay girls! Our seats are at row F!” Said Nuha. Ameera, picked her seat somewhere in the middle. Next to her was an empty seat. Ameera thought, maybe the person hadn’t arrived yet.

A few minutes later…
“Okay gents! Our seats are at row F!” Said Afham. Yusof picked a seat somewhere in the middle. When he turned around, he saw… Ameera! Ameera turned around, and said “What are you doing here?!” Yusof answered “Well duh! Pixels lame brain!” “How dare you call me lame brain! Don’t you remember what number you got in your exams? The last in class didn’t you?!” Said Ameera to Yusof. “What number did you get missy?” Asked Yusof. “Number two!” Said Ameera while giving Yusof a slap with her handbag. Just before Yusof could say another word, the lights in the cinema had slowly turned off. “This is not over.” Whispered Yusof too Ameera.

After the cinema…
“Nuha, I’m hungry!” Whined Farhannah. “Man, all you know is how to eat, sleep, go to the toilet and ask for stuff right?” Said Aleeya. “Okay, okay, to be honest, I’m actually hungry too. Lets go to Delifrance, my treat.” Said Nuha. “Yay!” Shouted the girls.

When they arrived at Delifrance, they saw Afham, Anwar, Yusof and Azim. “What are they doing here?” Said Nuha and Ameera. Azim and Yusof turned around and saw Nuha, Ameera, Aleeya, Haziqah, Farhannah and Safwa. “What are they doing here?” Said Azim and Yusof while getting out of their seats. They walked over to Nuha and Ameera while Nuha and Ameera walked over to them. “What do you want now?” Asked Nuha. For a moment, there was silence. Suddenly, Azim said “Look, I’m sorry that we had a fight Nuha. Can we be friends?” Nuha was surprised that Azim apologised. Nuha cracked open a smile, and said “That’s nice of you. Sure. Of course we can be friends.”  Nuha looked at Yusof and Ameera, she said “You two, aren’t you going to forgive each other?” “Why should I forgive her? She told the whole school when we were primary 4 my biggest secret!” Shouted Yusof. “Don’t shout at ladies.” Said Azim. “Since when did you become a gentleman?” Asked Yusof. “No more screaming at each other! You guys are behaving like children!” Said Afham. Nuha and Ameera walked over to the girls. They ordered their food.

When they finished eating…
“Okay, its time to go!” Said Nuha. The girls payed for their food and left Delifrance. That time, the boys were still there. Ameera had left her handbag. “Dude, nonsense kid just left her handbag at the restaurant. You think I should help her out?” Asked Yusof to Azim. “You’re choice bro.” Said Azim while paying for the food. Yusof, thought about it for a while. Until one point, Yusof took the handbag and ran out from delifance to return back the handbag to Ameera.

In the meantime…
“Dude, have you guys seen my handbag?” Asked Ameera. “No.” Said the girls. “Ameera wait!” Shouted a voice. The girls looked behind and saw Yusof running while holding a handbag in his hands. When Yusof reached the girls, Ameera asked Yusof “Since when did you go gay?” The girls laughed. “You should be thankful that, I’m kind enough too return your handbag.” Said Yusof while gasping for air. “My handbag!” Shouted Ameera. The rest of the boys catched up with Yusof. “Hey, by the way Yusof, I’m sorry that I told the whole school your biggest secret. Can we be friends?” Said Ameera. “Oh well… Yeah! Of course.” Said Yusof.

So from that day on,  Nuha and Azim became friends. Same goes to Ameera and Yusof.

…The end…


  1. looking back at ur old posts brings back memories
    btw i hate handbags

    1. What kind of memories tho; we never went to watch a movie :P
