Tuesday, March 4, 2014

why is the sea salty

Once upon a time,there was a small village.And in that village,there was a man named Tiron.He sells lots of salt.But it is so expensive.So one day, a small boy went out to buy a bag of salt at Tirons shop.Then when the boy heard how expensive it was,he said"what!No way!I,m not going to pay that much.Because i only have 100 dollars!Then the man got so mad that he killed the boy.Then when his mother, knew the villigers chased Tiron.Then Tiron found a small boat,then he carried all of the bags.But the bag of salt was to heavy,then the boat sinked into the sea ,then all of the salt which was in the bag also sinked.And that is why,that the sea is salty.


  1. Hey insyirah! I read ur blog. Why don't you read mine? Hannah

  2. Hi Insyirah, Hannah's blogspot link is hannahsparable.blogspot.com
