Thursday, March 27, 2014

The haunted mirror

Once upon a time there was an orphan.Her name was Anandi.Anandi was a very kind girl.One day,a couple decided to go to the orphanage.The man,decided to choose a boy. But the lady at the orphanage said "boys are just too naughty.Why don't you two just choose a girl", said the lady.So they both agreed.They saw a lot of girls.But,they both decided to choose Anandi.After they went to the orphanage,they went to the furniture shop to buy Anandi her clothes and all that.Before they were going to pay Anandi reminded them to buy her a mirror.Her mother went with her to choose her mirror.Then Anandi spoted the perfect one.But the mother asked Anandi"are you sure you want this one?"she asked.Anandi said yes i do."Well,ok."Said the mother.When they got home they all helped Anandi to arrange her furniture in her room.At night when Anandi was asleep,she woke up,then she heard someone calling her name"Anandi,Anandi come on come in the mirror"the voice said.She said NO! I will not go.But then someone was pushing her from behind.It pushed her until she got in the mirror.Hello!She called out.The ghost came out right in front of her.Then Anandi asked"what do you want?"She asked.But the ghost did not say anything and killed her.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

why is the sea salty

Once upon a time,there was a small village.And in that village,there was a man named Tiron.He sells lots of salt.But it is so expensive.So one day, a small boy went out to buy a bag of salt at Tirons shop.Then when the boy heard how expensive it was,he said"what!No way!I,m not going to pay that much.Because i only have 100 dollars!Then the man got so mad that he killed the boy.Then when his mother, knew the villigers chased Tiron.Then Tiron found a small boat,then he carried all of the bags.But the bag of salt was to heavy,then the boat sinked into the sea ,then all of the salt which was in the bag also sinked.And that is why,that the sea is salty.